Monday, January 4, 2010

Put a Pyrrha 'round my neck

All across the United States, and I suspect, the world, Pyrrha's silver pendant necklaces are gracing the neck of many beautiful women. Taylor Swift has one. Reese Witherspoon has one. Oh and Brad Pitt has one too. I found them in a shop in Petaluma, California... and hopefully I soon will be the owner of one! (It's my birthday next week... and even though I tried to express my infatuation with the line to my friends and family, they failed to catch on to the hint... So I tried to be more direct this time. This is the only good thing about having a birthday right after Christmas... if you don't get what you want the first time, you get a second chance!)

Now the designers, who have their studio in Vancouver (that's in Canada), were inspired by a box of old stamps they found... and then they found a way to make their jewelry with them. So before the stamps... they weren't actually jewelry designers, so maybe they should give the stamps some credit? Anyways... here are some of my favorites...

Love Conquers All

Horse Cameo Ring

Lion Necklace
"Spero" means hope in Latin

Bleeding Heart Bracelet
it's supposed to symbolize the "sting of love"... I just like that it's kind of like wearing your heart on your sleeve. Oh and I love the chain.

Scissor Necklace
It says "we part to meet again".
This is my personal favorite (and birthday wish). I love love love this necklace. I remember seeing it for the first time in a little shop and I was prepared to get it that day... and then I looked at the price tag. Woah... I was not prepared to drop over a hundred dollars on this little necklace. I know how it is made... and let me just say- the designers at Pyrrah are making tons of money off of that little box of stamps they found... but I won't go into the specifics. I don't want to give away anyone's secrets... So I was temporarily unable to buy my necklace... but that didn't deter me or cause me to forget it. I loved it so much that I actually wanted to get a tattoo of a pair of scissors... I know right- me with a tattoo? One afternoon at Folsom Lake, my friends and I were enjoying ourselves when my friend, Kellyn, accidentally lost and swallowed a tooth. To comfort her during the stressful situation, we suggested going to get a tattoo (she's always wanted a tattoo of a tooth on her index finger... and this seemed like a sign to "go ahead", you know?) We all talked about it, and I even tried drawing a tiny pair of scissors on my wrist... but I can't really draw... and after a few hours passed, the idea of getting a tattoo became outrageous again.

Thank goodness my birthday is days away and I can have the real thing!

Check out the Pyrrha website!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I used to carry both Pyrrha's catseye line and their wood line back when I ran a retail store over 10 years ago so to say that they weren't jewelry designers before the stamps is inaccurate. They're also a very sweet couple :)
