Saturday, September 5, 2009

Adventures with Warren

I had a pretty terrible day yesterday, really it was so stressful and rainy and I just spent too much time alone and it all rolled together to put me in a melancholy mood. Around midnight, my friend Warren took me on a motorcycle ride and it was the perfect way to make my heart happy again.

I love the way this girl looks so cool and casual on the back of the bike. I wish I had a picture of what I looked like... my arms were completely wrapped around Warren's waist and I was kind of scrunched up against him... I was not as calm and collected as the girl in the picture. Now I want to go on another motorcycle ride and plan out the perfect outfit...


  1. Cool picture!!! Lovely blog!

    I want to see a picture of the ride :)

  2. next time i go.... i'll make sure to take some pictures!
